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What is Integrated Case Management (ICM)?

ICM is a process which involves staff, social workers and other service providers working with your loved one to ensure:
•    a smoother return to the community upon release;
•    a reduced risk of re-offending and returning to prison in the future;

ICM falls into 2 main categories, Enhanced and Standard:

Enhanced ICM – Prisoners serving 4 years or more and all prisoners who are subject to post release statutory supervision.

Standard ICM - Prisoners who are serving less than 4 years and not subject to post-release supervision (mainly short-term prisoners). Access to supports on a voluntary basis will be identified and offered.

As part of their sentence management, your loved one will be assigned a Personal Officer who will deal specifically with any issues which may not be catered for through normal request channels. He / she will also be responsible for reporting behaviour, conduct and progression through various written summaries.

Who attends an ICM meeting?

The meeting is led by an SPS ICM Coordinator and can comprise of:
•    Personal Officer 
•    Person in custody
•    Social Work 
•    Psychology 
•    Family member (if person in custody wishes to have their loved one present)

What is discussed at an ICM?

Case Conferences will be held to assess and manage your risk, examine their progress, and consider what interventions are required to ensure a successful outcome. This could mean referrals to partners that would support your loved one’s wellbeing whilst in custody.

Can I attend the ICM?

SPS will ask your loved one if they would like a family member to attend the meeting, if they are content an invitation will be sent with the details you may need to attend. Please be advised that we can only send an invite if the person in custody consents to this.